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Frequent Questions

Updated: Aug 2, 2023

Where is Fajardo located?

Fajardo is located in the north eastern tip of Puerto Rico. about 35 miles drive from San Juan international airport.

How to get to Fajardo?

We strongly recommend to rent a car. Not too many Uber drivers in Fajardo area plus this will allow you to drive around and discover many places.

Is Fajardo safe ?

It is safe, criminality is higher in metropolitan areas. Always use precautionary measures when you walk around. Avoid to leave things in your car at sight.

What is Fajardo like?

Fajardo is a coastal town with beautiful beaches and views, natural reserves, 7 Marinas and many watersports activities. Home of El Conquistador Resort, Fajardo inn Hotel and many STR.

It is worth to visit Fajardo?

With so many naturals attractions it is a perfect place to relax and have fun in your vacations

Many restaurants awaits for you

Things to do at night ?

Since it is a coastal town and most of the activity is during the day. night activities are limited

Dance salsa at J bar or do karaoke at el Torito Bar and Grill, looking for a teste of rum ? Visit Chichaitos at Las Croabas.

How far is Fajardo from San Juan ?

35 miles

Attractions nearby Fajardo ?

El Yunque Rain Forest, Hacienda Carabali , Luquillo kiosks, public ferry boat to Culebra and Vieques and Ziplines near El Yunque

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